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To amplify youth voices and connect youth with political and service organizations doing good in the world.

From the announced ending of DACA to the hate speech proliferated at Charlottesville, our society faces threats from the highest in our government and the lowest in our communities. It is never too late to speak out against this violence and take action to confront it. The Youth Action March will be a chance for youth to stand up for what they believe in, send a strong message to local, state, and federal government, and most importantly, take critical steps to get involved with direct action that can make a positive impact on the world. The Youth Action March will establish connections between attendees and political and service organizations doing good in our local communities and on a wider scale to facilitate the transition from a moment of activism to a movement with the potential to evoke real-world change.


The Youth Action March is intended to turn political hopelessness into political empowerment. No matter your age, you have a tremendous ability to move your city, your state, and your country in a more inclusive and forward-looking direction - whether by engaging our government or by working with non-governmental organizations. A sixteen-year-old is just as capable of volunteering at a phone bank for hurricane disaster relief as a sixty-year-old. A twenty-year-old’s vote is worth the same as their parent’s. Anyone at any age can stand up to a bully, be it in the middle school parking lot or on the senate floor.


The Youth Action March will bring together people who want to work toward a better society and organizations that need your help to keep fighting for change.


Be ready to be inspired by powerful organizations and incredible speakers. More importantly, be ready to take your inspiration and turn it into a commitment to the hours, money, or solidarity you are prepared to contribute to organizations doing important work on the local, regional, and national front.


Note: all people are welcome at this march. Period. We encourage people of all ages, genders, races, sexual orientations, religions, abilities, citizenship statuses, political leanings, histories (or lack thereof) of activism, nationalities, and everyone else to attend. Those with supremacy on their mind or hatred on their tongue need not attend. This march is non-violent and non-partisan.

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