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Leadership Council

Talat Aman, 16

Talat Aman is a junior at Wakefield Memorial High School dedicated to fostering youth involvement in politics. As a chapter leader and member of the Massachusetts High School Democrats, Talat has been at the forefront of getting students involved in politics through means of campaigns, voter registration, volunteering, and more. In addition to his work with the Massachusetts High School Democrats, he attended the High School Democrats of America summit this past year to learn about youth engagement and bring many essential points back home to Massachusetts. As an intern for Senator Warren this past August, Talat has also worked hard to serve the constituents of the state of Massachusetts, and has recognized the necessity for youth involvement in not only politics, but activism as well. Talat hopes to keep working hard at getting students involved in various forms - from voting to being a part of elections - because the future is theirs and they will be the ones that choose it.

Adhya Beesam, 16

Adhya Beesam is a current senior at Plano East Senior High School, near Dallas, Texas. From when she was younger, she has had an immense passion for understanding the way the world works and absorbing all the information life throws at her. This desire has led her down many different paths, from science research to writing to political activism, all of which she has embraced with open arms. She has a huge sweet-spot for scientific activism in particular, competing in many national and international science fairs and campaigning endlessly for the March for Science. However, any march with a pure, just, and virtuous cause is one that she will immediately stand behind, and the Youth Action March is no different. As a member of the leadership council, she is looking forward to bringing this amazing initiative to fruition and making sure that the youth of America always have the podium and opportunity to have their voice heard.

Shriya Beesam, 16

Shriya Beesam is a senior at Plano East Senior High School near Dallas, Texas. She and her sister Adhya won the 1st Grand Prize in the 2016 Siemens Competition for Math, Science, and Technology, and they have also both been finalists at the International Science and Engineering Fair. Shriya strongly believes in the necessity for STEM advocacy, especially if humans plan to continue living on a habitable planet, which is why she is also a part of the student leadership board for the March for Science. Shriya thinks it is extremely important for youth to have their voices heard, especially in a day and age where major injustices are occurring against people of all ages, religions, and backgrounds. Shriya strongly believes that we need to unite together, now more than ever, and fight for what we believe in, and the Youth Action March is an amazing way to make that happen.

Sean Buffington, 21

Sean Dupree Buffington, 21, Political Science major, Cal State Northridge University, is one of the youngest individuals to have run for Los Angeles City Council, district nine. Serving as congressional intern to Congresswoman Karen Bass and Youth Ambassador in the city of Los Angeles for about six years. He is a young motivated individual who believes that the hard work of young people can bring brilliance and efficiency to communities.

Sarah Jester, 18

Sarah Jester is the President of the Chicago Students Union and the creator of CPS (Chicago Public Schools) Student Action Network. This is her third year organizing with the union, which has given her the opportunity to lead and speak at numerous rallies, walkouts, and student forums. During her tenure, the Chicago Students Union has received the Solidarity Award from ANSWER Chicago, as well as been given opportunities to speak at events of over 5,000 people.

Mina Lee, 17

A senior at Edgemont High School in Westchester, NY, Mina did not discover her passion for politics and activism until recently. She was quickly thrown into the world of New York High School Democrats, starting a chapter in her school, serving as the Downstate Regional Director as a junior, and going on to be elected State Chair the summer before her senior year. Youth activism in particular is a cause very near and dear to her heart. On top of being a strong advocate for youth activism, Mina also participates in competitive Lincoln Douglas debate and enjoys song-writing. 

Samrath Machra, 17

Samrath is the co-chair and founder of the Tennessee High School Democrats. Since the start of the year, Samrath has established over 25 statewide chapters. Alongside his dynamic executive leadership team, he has worked to provide the Tennessee chapters with a tool kit and connections to mobilize and gain momentum in a red state. Samrath was recently elected to serve as the National Programming Director for the YDA High School Caucus.


Duane Nguyen, 18

Duane is from Chaska, MN and is a first year at Macalester College. He has been involved with numerous marches and protests, from the March for Science to most recently the DACA wave of protests. Duane is part of a 4-year civic engagement program called the Bonner Community Scholars Program, which looks for opportunities to get involved with the community.

Jeremy Ornstein, 16

Jeremy Ornstein is a senior at Watertown High School. He's also the Chairman of the national organization, High School Democrats of America. He had his start in politics early with Elizabeth Warren, and has continued organizing and knocking on doors through the present day. When not trying to make change, he plays the violin, spends time in nature, and helps out on a local farm.

Sarah Shamoon, 18

Sarah Shamoon is a freshman at Harvard College. She hails from the great state of New York where she has served on many campaigns including City Council, State Assembly, State Supreme Court, and US Congress. From 2016 to 2017, Sarah also led the New York State High School Democrats as their Co Chair. She is thrilled to be working with the Youth Action March team to rally around the importance and necessity of youth activism in the US and abroad.

Amanda Westlake, 16

Amanda is currently a junior at Wakefield Memorial High School. She is a member of High School Democrats of America and a co-chair of the High School Democrats of Wakefield. Previously, she served an internship in the Boston office of Senator Elizabeth Warren, and has volunteered on a variety of political campaigns. A student leader with a passion for political activism, she is excited about the Youth Action March and the impact it will have on youth political engagement.

Lily Widdup, 19

Lily Widdup served as Wellesley's liaison to the Boston Women's March for America. She is passionate about health advocacy, and has spent the last three summers and her senior year of high school researching cancer biology and women's health at NIH though the prestigious Werner H. Kirsten Student Intern Program and Cancer Research Training Award. Her other activities include astrochemistry research, for which she has presented at the Northeast Student Chemistry Research Conference and an American Chemical Society conference; work at Media Services at Wellesley, where she is a three-time recipient of the Library and Technology Services Appreciation Award; and Wellesley's Chemistry Society, where she serves as Vice President. She has also worked on curriculum development and is an American Chemical Society-certified peer reviewer, and she holds leadership roles in House Council, the Blue Cancer Society, and the Period Project.

National Organizing Team

Director of Operations

Zachary Steigerwald Schnall, 19

Zachary is a first year student at Harvard College and a lifelong resident of Boston. He spent a year in between high school and college immersing himself in various political activities and debate-related projects, among these working on the New Hampshire Coordinated Campaign for Democrats, chairing the Campus & Student Outreach Committee for the Boston Women's March, coordinating youth engagement for a special election race in the Massachusetts Senate, laying the foundations for the Boston branch of a nonprofit that connects youth from various social and economic backgrounds through debate, coaching his high school's debate team, and organizing and running a two-week-long summer debate program as an extensive fundraiser to support the team's budget. An avid debater himself as well as a performer, Zack staunchly believes in the power of communication to mobilize activism and is appreciative of the role youth have to play in our society, both now and in the months, years, and decades to come.

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Communications Lead

Maddy Pritzl, 17

Maddy Pritzl is a senior at Bay Port High School in Green Bay, Wisconsin. She currently serves as the Chair of the High School Democrats of Wisconsin and has been involved in politics throughout her community and statewide. Last fall, Maddy was a United States Senate Page sponsored by Senator Tammy Baldwin where she was able to witness politics firsthand, as well as take part in many unique experiences such as the National Women's March in Washington, DC. As Communications Lead, Maddy is excited to be working with all of our march coordinators in order to help the event become a success, as well as coordinate everything to run smoothly. 



Fundraising Lead

Adhya Beesam, 16


Social Media Team

Shriya Beesam, 16

Andrea Gagnon, 17

Michaele Paulemon, 17

Karina Wen, 19


Kyra Reed, 23

Kyra is 23 years old and has always been highly active in politics. She was the Vice President of the College Democrats chapter at her university and has interned and worked in politics ever since she began college. Her goal is to work in Reproductive Policy.

Amelia Ryan, 18

Amelia became a member of the Massachusetts High School Democrat's Networking Committee, working on social media and advocating for statewide unity. Now as the Social Media director, she is expanding social media presence and organizing and moderating state-wide meetings online. Amelia is a junior at Longmeadow High School.

Sophia Swartz, 17

Sophia Swartz is a senior at Central Bucks High School South, Warrington, Pennsylvania. As a teen with science in her DNA, Sophia is passionate about promoting scientific literacy and enhancing the role of science in policy decisions through her work with the national March for Science as a speaker, teen organizer, and science blogger. Over the past year, Sophia coordinated student outreach for the March for Science by speaking at the Washington, D.C. march and founding a blog to enhance student interest and engagement in science. Additionally, she is an avid researcher whose work has won recognition from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, LINEAR Program of the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and MIT THINK Scholars Program. In the future, she hopes to pursue a degree in molecular biology and make a lasting impact in the scientific community. During her free time, Sophia loves to garden, run long distances, and fangirl over scientist-poet Hope Jahren.

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